
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012 {and pictures of Halloween past}

I am home today with a little boy who has a sore throat today :( While I'm sad that he doesn't feel well, I sure do enjoy spending extra time with him!

We had a WONDERFUL Halloween!  I love the traditions we have and I love capturing all of the memories.  It's not always easy to have traditions and to capture memories, but I sure do love looking back through all the years.

Such as- our first official trick or treat year with a 14 month old and 26 month old! We still have the same buckets!
GAH! They grow up too fast!
Here is Halloween 2012-
Green Lantern, a cutie zebra, and Rapunzel
and, um, Green Lantern is younger than Rapunzel and just a tad old than the zebra. WHY is he towering over them?! Quit growing up boy!
They LOVE handing out candy at the end of the night!

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