
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day in the Life: Wednesday

alarm goes off at 5:45.
I get up at 6:20.
It's the same morning routine- make lunches, fix hair, and get everyone ready to get out the door.
After everyone leaves, I get ready for the day. I'm volunteering in C Girl's classroom for the morning.
I love helping in her class.  I get to help a few that have trouble reading. Her teacher is just great, love her.
I finish at 11 and I start having a lot of pain from my iron supplement. It pretty much does me in until time to pick up the kids from school.
I do a few things online and try to finish out the menu for the next two weeks.
After school, I put the meatloaf in the oven and work on ordering some pictures. The kids play outside and then go inside and play in C's room. Right before dinner, they start coloring and drawing before I make them clean up the table.
Tim gets home on time and we sit down to my famous meatloaf and green peas.
After dinner, it's time to get everyone for church and be out the door by 5:30.
We all get to church and I take the kids to Sparks and then I go to Cubbies. I help teach 3 and 4 year olds.  They keep me busy, but they are SO sweet!
We finish by 7:40 and head home.
C Girl finished her 1st book and was able to get her 2nd year book tonight! She's so proud and so are we!
Once we get home, it's time for bedtime snacks and "systems."
I have a lot of administrative things to do tonight.  Tomorrow is pay day and I will grocery shop.
After I finish those things, I will get my bedtime routine going and head to bed to read for awhile.
I just finished "The fault in our stars." It's a really good book, but it is about teenagers with cancer, so it is a bit of a "downer." I have trouble dealing with death, so I probably should have looked to see what the book was about first!
Tonight I'm going to start reading the 5 Love Languages. I'm also finishing up the book of Joshua in my Read the Bible through in one year.

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