
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

the "stuff" of life

I was going to write about how I haven't been posting as much lately.  However, as I was looking through my posts, I see that I have been blogging pretty consistently.  I realized that it was social media that was being pushed to the back burner lately.  I love me some Twitter, but life has been so busy for our little family the past couple of months.

Currently, the adults in this family are exhausted, burnt out, overwhelmed, etc.  We have that feeling of "there is more work to do than will ever get done."  My feeling is from home things, PTO, and just things I do in general. Tim's is from his job.

That's not to say that things still aren't good and happy times aren't being had.  They are.  But, there's always the "stuff" in the background.

Lately, I've let some things slide to the side that I normally never would.  I slacked off on my Bible studies towards the end, I haven't went to everything I normally go to, and I've just tried to focus on my little family much, much more.

I've learned to recognize stress and overwhelming-ness and I try to nip it in the bud if I can.

I'm drinking hot tea in the morning instead of coffee.  I was reluctant to give it up, but it had started killing my stomach. I'm making changes trying to feel better again.  It's always a constant struggle.

Tim has been so sick for almost a week.  I know that stress and overwork caused his body to get wore down.  I hate that so much.  I try so hard to make our life in our house a place of rest from the "stresses."  But you know what?  I don't always do a good job at that.  That's my goal for now.  That's my job.  It may not sound important, but my job is to take care of my people and that's what I'm going to do.

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