
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Being content with your own blessings

Wow.  Has it really been 5 years ago since this picture was taken?
It may go down as the best year of my life.
I mean, look at those two!
1 year old and 2 years old.
That was the fall that we had moved to Paris.
Life was glorious.  The trees were spectacular that fall.
It was a perfect season in the middle of some hard times that I had health-wise.
I was feeling pretty good and things were going really good.
I had really gotten used to and loved having two tiny tots.
You know that rhythm you find as a momma? I had found mine.
Have you ever heard the saying, "Comparison breeds discontentment?"
I feel like that has been weighing on me for a while now.
I have let myself become discontent by comparing things that I should not have been comparing.
Yes, other people may have something that I do not have.
However, I have things that they may not have.
Lord, teach me to continue to see life that way.
What I have is so great.  I am very, very blessed.
My blessings are different than your blessings.
And that is okay.
That is very much okay.


  1. Cute family picture. And such a great post, I feel like I've got my mama rhythm, it makes most days easy like butter. But I hear you regarding "discontent by comparison" I struggle with this too. Thank you for the reminder to enjoy the blessings we have ...

  2. That's so sweet and true! I almost didn't recognize you as a blonde!! Beautiful family pic/memory.

  3. This is an excellent reminder. I struggle with this often. Thank you. And what a fabulous family picture!

  4. Y'all, first off, I'm sorry we all struggle with this. Why?! It is a good feeling when you don't feel like the only one though.


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