
Monday, September 10, 2012

Catching up...

I feel like all I'm doing lately is catching up!
I've started my new job.....
It is a lot of work, but I love helping with the kid's school and doing things to make things great for the kids and teachers.
 B Boy's first night of homework ever. :-)
Our Tuesday morning Bible Study started up again this week.  I've missed it so!
I'm doing an awesome study.  There is so much good stuff in it.
The kiddos started back to AWANA. They are both Sparks this year!
Tim and I checked out the new Cabela's store.  That place is MASSIVE and kinda just like Bass Pro Shop.

My good friend April had a birthday this past week and we went out to lunch to celebrate.  She's joined the club I'm in now :-)

School is going great for the kids.
C Girl made 100% on her very first spelling test.
B Boy is one of the class ambassadors in his class.
I'm one proud mama and so glad they love school.

I need to update on the soda drinking-
I am drinking them occasionally.
BUT, not as often and I can very much tell that it helps when I don't drink them.
I know they are bad for me, but sometimes I just really need one!

I had someone ask about the pork stir fry-
I'm going to get that recipe ready soon and post it.

We visited our Farmer's market this weekend.
The weather on Saturday was amazing perfect.
There was bluegrass music this weekend and the kids loved it and even danced around!
We also went on a hike and then went to a park to play and have a picnic.
An extremely hot and dry summer makes you REALLY appreciate great weather!
We also listened to the Razorback game and it was the worst loss I have ever heard us have.  It was excruciating to listen to.  We went from #8 in the country to being completely kicked out of the rankings.  And we had at least 3 of our players injured.  :-(  It's going to be a very loooong season.
And, we had found out yesterday that we get to go to the Alabama game with our friends Rick and Brittnie.  I'm sure we will have a great time despite the game.
We are Hog fans no matter what!

Busy has became my new normal, but I'm looking forward to a great week!


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