
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

1st Razorback game of 2012 and other stuff

Yep. It's that time of year again.
College football!
Namely, Razorback football!
If you are new to my blog, let me just say, we are from Arkansas and we are HUGE Razorback fans!!!
This is our second year of taking the kiddos to the games! 
They love football season!
And they aren't too bad at the games!
It was very hot for this first game though. I'm looking forward to cool, crisp weather at the games!
Doesn't the new jumbotron look awesome?!
We get fireworks after EVERY touchdown! Love it!
We also ran into some very good friends of ours and found out some super exciting news!!!
They are expecting!
I won't say who yet, because I'm not sure that everyone knows yet!
I'm so happy for them!
Other stuff from the past week through the weekend-
Thursday night, we had a ladies night at church and the activity was Bunko! 
It was my first time ever playing and I had so much fun! What was even more fun was meeting more great ladies at our church!
The kids had a great second week of school.  We are really getting into the routine now!
Hurricane Isaac made landfall last week and was forecast to make a splash in Arkansas.
While we didn't get the brunt of the tropical depression, we did get a nice, light, steady rain for about two days. 
Our ground needed it!
I was super excited for this 3 day weekend.  We were able to spend some much needed family time.  Tim is not having to work late or weekends now!  I got my hair done and we got a couple of projects finished!  We bought an antenna for our TV, so now we have some free local channels! YAY!  
We also bought new mattresses for the kids' beds and the materials to paint C Girl's bed.
I'm so excited for home projects!
Sunday was one of those mornings that I so did not feel like getting ready for church.  But, I'm so glad I did.  It is so good to be in HIS presence.
I'm also doing a read the Bible in a year.  It started with the New Testament and now I'm in Genesis.  I'm so looking forward to reading the Old Testament.  I feel like I just don't know as much about it as I do the NT.
I've got a little bit of a busy week, but I'm working hard on not getting overwhelmed.
I've even cooked stuff for later in the week yesterday!
We are having white chicken chili and ham & broccoli quiche this week.
Last night we had pork stir fry, so good!  We love Chinese/Japanese food!
I made this on Sunday and it was so amazing and easy!
I really need to start posting our menu plans again. 
Have a wonderful, wonderful week friends!


  1. Hey sis, Great picture of the family and I must say that you look exceptionally pretty. I always enjoy your posts. GO Razorbacks! Miss Ya.

    1. Aw, thanks sis! I'm so glad you read! Love you and miss you!

  2. I want to hear about the pork stir fry! Those pics are great! Looks like a lot of fun!


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