
Thursday, August 16, 2012

My 7 year old girlie

When you have babies, you always wonder what they will be like when they get older, when they can talk, and when they can decide things for themselves.
You have no concept of what that baby will be like at 7 years old.
I still feel in denial that I now have a 7 year old.  

I want you to always know how much I love you.
No matter how much we may butt heads, I only want you to be the best you that you can be. 
You are so strong-willed and stubborn, and at times, it makes me crazy.
I know that it is just "you," and God has a plan for that personality!

It's so bittersweet as a momma to watch your kiddos grow up.  
You are such a beautiful girl and I am over the moon proud of you.

This past year has been monumental-
  • you became a kindergartner and next week you will begin 1st grade!
  • you made new friends
  • you lost 4 more teeth
  • you began Sparks and you have memorized lots of Scripture
  • you learned to READ! and add and subtract!
  • you got to welcome 2 sweet baby cousins! And, boy do you love them!
  • you took ballet
  • you began to show a more sensitive side to your personality
  • you love Barbies, Littlest Pet shop, My Little Pony, baby dolls, doing arts and crafts, "collecting" stuff, dressing up, reading books, doing math, and playing and fighting with your brother (you two come up with very imaginative games/role playing!)
You are SUCH a blessing to my life.
I'm so thankful God blessed me with a girl and that you were the girl for me.
Happy Birthday sweet girl.


I always love hearing from you!