
Monday, August 20, 2012

First Day of Kindergarten and 1st Grade

That's right.  Both of my kiddos have started school.

Everyone keeps asking me what I am going to do with my time since both kids are now in school.


between cleaning the house, running errands, doing PTO stuff, church stuff, and home furniture projects that I have scheduled, I think I will be PLENTY busy!!! 

I get emotional at the weirdest times.  I did not cry this morning and then I had a busy day and was not home at all.  As I was standing outside the school for pickup, the bell rang and I heard the kids coming, and THAT's when I started tearing up.  

The kids had an awesome day!  They were so excited to go this morning- no timidness AT ALL!

I asked C Girl about the names of the kids in her class.  She replied, "well, I can't remember the girl's names, but I can remember the boy's names.  Why can't I remember the girls' names?"
I thought that was so funny!

B Boy made friends and got to play with a friend from preK at recess!


  1. Watch out Momma, she's already remembering boys names ;) glad they had good first days!

  2. Aw, glad they had a good day!
    (And already with the boys names?? Uh oh!)

  3. That's awesome they did so well on their 1st day. Some kids can have so much anxiety about going to school.

    1. I'm very thankful that they are so excited to go.


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