Friday, August 13, 2010

You are four today

I cannot believe that you are four today.  You have grown up sooo fast.  My sweet little baby. My little goo boy.  You will always be my goo boy by the way. 

You have grown up so much this year.  You are taller and stronger.  You are smarter and brave.  You say some really funny things.  You are a sweet sweet boy.  You whine.  Man, can you whine! 

You love superheroes. And dinosaurs. And Toy Story. And sports. And trains and cars.Your are a boys boy.

You learned how to ride your bike.  You have been to some cool places. You rode a camel. And a ferris wheel. You were interviewed by a TV station while we were on vacation.

I will always remember, "Daddy will you run with me?"  "I need help!"  "Da love you."

 I love you more than you know, my sweet angel boy. Happy Birthday.

1 comment:

  1. Awww! I actually teared up! I love you Bboy and Happy Birthday!


I always love hearing from you!