
| About |

Hey everyone, I'm Lenette. 

This has been my little space of the Internet since January 2009.

My blog is my history, stories, and memories that I love looking back through.
That's what you will find and hopefully if you read, you will enjoy what you read.

I'm a 30-something momma of C girl (11 years old) and B Boy (10 years old).
I've been married to Tim for 13 years and he is a jr. high principal.
We have lived here in Northwest Arkansas (Bentonville, specifically) for six years and plan to stay here hopefully forever!

We love to explore great things to do in NWA and I share about those things frequently. 
We love football season and we are huge Razorback fans! #WPS

I love to read, cook, bake, take photos, do things with friends from church, and spend time with my best friend who lives 2 hours away and also happens to be married to one of my brothers!

I share about my faith here, as well. I've known God my whole life, was saved in jr. high, but He has changed me from the inside out over the past few years.
I long more than anything to draw closer to Him and to share His love and grace in whatever opportunities come my way.

I want my history
To be Your legacy
Go ahead and show this world
What You've done in me
And when the music fades
I want my life to say

I let You write Your story, write Your story
Write Your story, write Your story

I'm an empty page
I'm an open book
Write Your story on my heart
Come on and make Your mark

Author of my hope
Maker of the stars
Let me be Your work of art
Won't You write Your story on my heart

---Francesca Battistelli, Write your story